product cost analysis


we believe sustainability begins with knowledge and education. often a secret in the world of fashion, we are pleased to present our pricing and cost structure breakdown for every product we produce.

below, You’ll find the 3-part cost structure breakdown and length of time each type of garment takes to produce on average.

We believe a better and more informed future is created when consumers are equipped with the information of where every dollar spent is accounted for within each product.

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Cost of goods and production

Material costs : Fabric, interfacing, trims - buttons, zipper, thread, labels.

Production costs : fabric preparation - washing, pressing and roll-out. cutting, sewing, final press and packaging. Custom pattern-making as needed.

Sourcing costs : fabric sourcing, pickup and delivery, mileage.

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operating costs

Supply costs : design supplies, production equipment, shipping materials.

marketing costs : photography, social media, final sample making in 2-3 sizes, models for visual imagery.

development costs : pattern making, grading, fit muslin samples.

Fee costs : Credit Card processing fees, taxes, website, accounting and bookkeeping.

facility costs : utilities - electrical, water, internet, environment

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net profit and investment

Payroll & healthcare costs : payroll and employee benefits

Investment costs : next season development - fabric, design, pattern making, muslin sample development, grading approval for standard and extended sizing



the time it takes to produce a garment

from start to finish includes the following :

Fabric preparation : washing, pressing, roll-out and resting

Custom pattern making : when necessary per garment

Cutting : pattern placement and cutting


pressing : final garment press

packaging : linting, folding, boxing process

Garment production hours on average - start to finish

Tops : 10-12 hours tops with buttons, 8-10 hours tops with no buttons, 8-10 hours knits

Bottoms : 12-16 hours bottoms not custom, 12-45 hours custom bottoms

Skirts : 10-14 hours skirts not custom, 10-20 hours custom skirts

Dresses : 10-14 hours dresses not custom, 10-20 hours custom dresses

Outerwear : 10-16 hours outerwear with buttons, 10-12 hours outerwear with no buttons

Lingerie : 12-24 hours slips with matching briefs, 12-20 hours slips with no briefs