Slow Tempo

Slow Tempo Launch Photo.jpg

Without further ado.

Slow Tempo is a step into identity. A step into movement. The divine knowledge that impeccable style is a bold defiance against assumption. This is a collection of clothing that has constructed space for your ever-shifting selves.

I'd like to take a moment to thank my incredible visual team, the beauty of your creation will forever be an inspiration to me. In the final moments of this collection's development, your collaboration is a stunning sight to behold and each presence is powerful in every moment. It is a true honor and privilege to have my work brought to life. Thank you to Susie Delaney, @susieq for your lighting mastery and ace eye behind the lens. Thank you to my exceptional models - Julia Perez @thejuliachristine and McCall Cadenas @mccallcadenas, for your energy, spirit and emotion in bringing these pieces to life. I have much more to say about you all but for now, from the bottom of my heart, thank you a million times over.

We'll leave you to explore the collection and settle in with the following :
What does Slow Tempo mean to you?

Let's begin.

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